What happens if I die?

If you die after you have left the Scheme but before you take your benefits, the following may be paid to your dependents:

  • A spouse’s pension of roughly 50% of the benefits built up at the time of your death (40% if you joined after 1st April 2018)
  • A child’s pension payable to children up to age 17, or up to age 23 if they are in full-time education
  • A tax-free lump sum 5 x the value of your pension at the time your death

Any lump sum payments are payable at the discretion of the Trustee, which means it is ultimately their decision as to who receives them. You can help the Trustees’ make their decision by completing an Expression of Wish form and making sure it is kept up to date, especially if your marital status changes or you have children.