The Trustee

MRC Pension Scheme is governed by Trust Deeds and Rules and is managed by the MRC Pension Trust Limited.

There are nine Trustee Directors of MRC Pension Trust Limited. The Trustee Directors make sure the Scheme is run in the best interests of members; they also ensure it follows laws and legislation about pensions and that changes are reflected where necessary.

The Trustee Directors undertake extensive training to enable them to run the Scheme properly.

There are nine Trustee Directors in total:

The Trustee Board is made up of:
John Preston Independent
Hugh Dunlop Company Appointed
Louise McFarlane Company Appointed
Kevin Moreton PhD Company Appointed
Jane Beverley Company Appointed
David Brittain Member Nominated
Prof Kelvin Cain PhD Member Nominated
Allan MacLean Member Nominated
Ian Jackson Member Nominated

The Trustee Board also uses the services of professional advisers to help them.

Mercer Employee Benefits provides award winning pensions administration services and has been appointed by the Trustee Board to look after the day-to-day running of the Scheme and to settle the benefits due to you and your family at the appropriate time.

Should you have any questions about the Scheme, please refer them to Mercer in the first instance using the contact details above.