• Are the pension benefits frozen if I leave before retirement?
  • No – the deferred benefits are index-linked to consumer prices between the date you leave and reaching pension age.

  • If I leave MRC with a deferred pension can I transfer it elsewhere?
  • Yes – you have a legal right to transfer your deferred benefits to the scheme of a new employer or to an equivalent personal arrangement. It is recommended that financial advice is taken before making such a decision.

    There is a legal requirement to take independent financial advice if the transfer value is over £30,000.

    The rules of the Scheme do not permit a transfer if it is within one year of normal pension age.

  • Could I transfer my pension abroad?
  • Yes, although strict rules apply and agreements with the UK can and do change from time to time.

  • What is the Scheme’s approach to Sustainable Investment?
  • ESG disclosure on member website July 2019.pdf